Gold Medal Software 2
Gold Medal Software Volume 2 (Gold Medal) (1994).iso
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Text File
756 lines
A Dual Window ASCII File Comparison Utility
SHERLOCK is a commercial program and is copyrighted.
It is distributed using the Shareware marketing
concept. The Shareware concept allows you to try the
fully functional program on your own computer before
you buy it. If you continue to use SHERLOCK or keep
it for when you might use it, then you MUST send the
$25 registration fee + $4 S&H to the author. Press
Function Key 8 to print the registration form from
the program.
When you register SHERLOCK you will receive:
Telephone and mail support.
A copy of the latest version of SHERLOCK
Removal of Registration Screen & reminders.
Skip the Registration Form reminder at the end
of the program.
A loan amortization program with both the
BASIC source code and the compiled
program. No registration is required for
the amortization program.
A Copy of DISKLIST for you to try.
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
Table of Contents
FUNCTION KEYS..........................2
HELP SCREENS...........................3
TEXT INPUT.............................6
MEMORY USAGE...........................8
OMBUDSMAN............................ 11
Copyright 1988..1993
John P. Bauernschub, Jr.
Gulf Sierra
14809 Clavel Street
Rockville, MD 20853-1543
CompuServe ID 73270,77
SHERLOCK is designed to do one job, compare two ASCII files line
by line. When the lines do not match, SHERLOCK raises a flag.
At that point, you may scroll either or both files past the
mismatch to put them in sync and then continue. SHERLOCK
contains features for searching, jumping around the files,
restarting, and copying lines to a printer. SHERLOCK does not
write to either file.
SHERLOCK is designed as a tool for programmers, writers and
workstation support personnel. It is best on files like program
source files, AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and text documents.
SHERLOCK displays five lines of each file in separate windows.
The line from each file that is being compared is in the center
of the window and highlighted. When the center lines in each
window do not match, a message indicating this pops up between
the windows. The top line of each window frame displays the line
number of the center line and the name of the file.
SHERLOCK is started by entering one of the following commands:
SHERLOCK filename1
SHERLOCK filename1 filename2
SHERLOCK filename1 d:\*
If you do not enter a filename or filenames, SHERLOCK will prompt
you. There is a feature (new to version 2.6) that allows you to
view the file names on any drive or directory and select from
that list. If you want to have the exact same file in both
windows for learning SHERLOCK, enter only an asterisk for the
second file name. SHERLOCK will substitute the first file name
for the asterisk.
If you are comparing two files with the same name that are on
different disks or in different directories, enter the filename
that is in the current directory as filename1, either on the DOS
command line or at the prompt in SHERLOCK. For the second file
name, enter the drive or path followed by an asterisk (no space
between the path and the asterisk). Again, SHERLOCK will
substitute the first file name for the asterisk.
These instructions will be easier to understand if you are
running SHERLOCK while you are reading them. You can try each
function as you read about it. Print a copy of these
instructions if you haven't done so. They are about 12 pages.
To print them, use the DOS command:
Use the file SHERLOCK.DOC as the text file to learn on. To run
SHERLOCK with this file in both windows, enter the DOS command:
The asterisk causes the first file name, SHERLOCK.DOC, to be also
used as the second file name.
Unregistered versions of SHERLOCK start by displaying the title
screen. It explains how to register this Shareware program. The
bottom line of the screen prompts for an M if you are using a
monochrome monitor, otherwise press any other key to continue.
If there is NOT a border line around the title screen on your
display, press M.
The following is a list of operations that can be activated by
function keys.
FK 1 Help; also Shift FK 1 & Ctl FK 1
FK 2 Jump to a Line
FK 3 Search
FK 4 Jump to DOS (Shell)
FK 5 Open a New File
FK 6 Reverse Scroll Action
FK 7 Print Lines
FK 8 Print Registration Form
FK 9 Toggle Display ON/OFF
FK 10 SCAN Start/Stop (Toggle)
In the upper right corner of the screen are three more control
T-Trim Leading Spaces No
A-Case Sensitive Yes
R-Remove All Spaces No
Pressing T, A, or R toggles the Yes/No. When SHERLOCK starts
these features default to the normal SHERLOCK settings and are
not saved from session to session.
There are three help windows that contain most of the information
that you need to effectively operate SHERLOCK.
H or Function Key 1 pops up help window #1. Shift FK 1 pops up
help window #2. Control FK 1 pops up help window #3. Whenever a
help window is open, another help window can be viewed by
pressing its relative function key or number on either set of
numeric keys.
You may step through the help windows by pressing the space bar,
the H key, the Up and Down arrows, and Page Up and Page Down. So
if help window #1 is open, just press the number 3 to get the
third help window, then 2 to get the second, or whatever one you
want. Or, just keep pressing H. SHERLOCK turns the Num Lock on
and off for you so that you can use the digits 1, 2, 3.
Functions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 open a window with information
or a menu.
Function 10 (or the Enter key) toggles the scan mode on and off.
The scan mode continuously scrolls the lines in each window one
line, then compares them. The scan continues until two lines are
found that do not match, the end of either file is reached,
function key 10 (or the Enter key) is pressed again, or the ESC
key is pressed.
Function key 9 (or the space bar) controls whether the text lines
will be displayed during the scan mode. The reason for not
displaying the text during the scan mode is to speed the scan
rate. Function key 9 (or the space bar) toggles a flag that
indicates the status of the display mode. This flag is not
visible until the toggle is first pressed. The text is always
displayed when the scan mode is off. When the scan stops, all
lines are immediately displayed.
Function key 6 reverses the direction that the text in the
windows will scroll when commanded by Page Up, Page Down, and the
Up and Down arrow keys. The direction in effect is indicated by
an up or down arrow in the Function Key Window.
The ESC key can be used to stop any activity in SHERLOCK. It is
also used to exit the program.
Function Key 1 produces the following list of the action keys
that move the text in the windows. This is also Help Window 1.
Page Up Scroll both windows up
Page Down Scroll both windows down
Up Arrow Scroll top window up
Down Arrow Scroll top window down
Shift Up Arrow Scroll botm window up
Shift Down Arrow Scroll botm window down
Left Arrow Shift midlines left 20
Right Arrow Shift midlines right 20
Home Beginning of Both files
End End of Both files
Control Home Beginning of Top file
Control End End of Top file
Shift Home Beginning of Bottom file
Shift End End of Bottom file
Ins Scroll top window until Match
Del Scroll botm window until Match
ESC STOP any activity, Quit Program
Help Window 1
Help Window 2 provides reminders on additional action keys,
information on help, commands for editing input to prompts, and
commands for the search feature. This window can be displayed by
pressing 2 when another help window is open or with Shift FK 1
SPACE = FK 9 Toggle Display ON/OFF
Produces the defined action in the
OPPOSITE Direction
- - - - - - - - H E L P - - - - - - - -
Activate the Three HELP Windows with H,
FK 1, Shift FK 1, or Control FK 1
Switch between them with H,
Space, 1,2,3, FK1, FK2, FK3, PAGE UP-DOWN
- - - - - EDITING PROMPT INPUTS - - - - -
Input Line Scrolls Horizontally
ESC Deletes Input Line
Traditional Functions Work For:
Left Right Home End Ins Del Backspace
- - - - - - - S E A R C H - - - - - - -
S of FK 3 - Search
C - Continue a Search when
Continue prompt is displayed at bottom
Help Window 2
Help Window 3 is a reference on optimizing memory usage. This
window can be displayed by pressing 3 when another help window is
open or with Control FK 1 otherwise.
Printer Control Commands
L - Blank Line E - Eject Page
- - - - Optimizing Memory Usage - - - -
M Toggles the Display of FREE STRING SPACE
Values Displayed in the TOP LEFT CORNER are:
aaaa bbbb cccc
dddd nnn
aaaa Before Reading any Files
bbbb After Reading 1st File
cccc After Reading 2nd File
nnn Setting for Max Buffer Lines
Change the Max Buffer Lines with
/B=nnn on the COMMAND Line
Help Window 3
The SHIFTED commands - Page Up, Page Down, Home, End, and arrows
- now work on enhanced keyboards that have cursor keys separate
from the numeric keypad. These commands still work on the
numeric keypad. Remember, shift always affects action in the
second window. Even shift FK 1 displays the second help window.
SHIFT with FK 10, RETURN, INS, or DEL produces the defined action
in the OPPOSITE Direction.
If the scan mode is off, pressing ESC, Q, or X will open a window
to ask if you really want to quit SHERLOCK. Pressing ESC, Q, X,
Y, or RETURN then will end SHERLOCK; any other key will continue
SHERLOCK uses the arrow keys on the numeric keypad and on the
separate cursor keypad. SHERLOCK turns the Num Lock off when it
starts. It turns it on again when you press a function key that
requests numeric input, then turns it off again. So don't touch
the Num Lock key when using SHERLOCK, it's automatic.
Function Key 4 puts you in DOS to run DOS programs. The
technical term is Shell to DOS. SHERLOCK has not ended and is
still in memory. You may not have enough memory to run some
programs. Enter the DOS command EXIT to return to SHERLOCK. To
exit SHERLOCK when you are done and remove it from memory, press
ESC, Q, or X twice.
SHERLOCK has the capability to perform a search. You initiate a
search or change the search text by pressing Function Key 3 or S.
It prompts for input from a pop up window. When a search is
initiated this way, the search starts at the highlighted line.
When a match is found, every occurrence of the matched text on
that line is highlighted. There is a mode where all lines that
have a match can be sent to your printer.
Whenever there is a string in the search buffer to search for,
the phrase "C = Continue Search" is displayed at the bottom of
your screen. By pressing C, the search will continue on the next
line after the highlighted line. If it doesn't find another
occurrence of the search string, it will tell you so and will
return to the line from where it started.
When SHERLOCK is executing the Continue Search command, it opens
a window at the bottom of the screen to indicate its status. If
SHERLOCK finds the string quickly and/or you have a fast
computer, this message will appear and disappear too quick to
read or even identify.
Note the difference between Search and Continue Search. Search
starts looking for a match at the beginning of the highlighted
line. Continue Search starts looking at the line after the
highlighted line.
There are several prompts where SHERLOCK asks for text input.
All follow these rules. SHERLOCK always presents the previous
data in that field for you to edit if you wish. ESC will erase
the entire line. All standard editing features of the computer
are available: insert, delete, home, end, left and right arrows.
SHERLOCK has a novel feature. If you want to enter more
characters than will fit into the input window, then SHERLOCK
scrolls the text sideways. All data will not be displayed in the
text window, but it will be used.
Function key 7 will print lines of the text files on your
printer. It will also skip lines or eject pages (form feed).
You can print blank lines or eject a page when no function key
window is open. Press the L key to skip a line or the E key to
eject a page.
SHERLOCK will trap errors when your printer is OFF or OFF LINE.
A window will pop up to tell you so. You may turn your printer
ON and ON LINE, then hit RETURN, and SHERLOCK will continue. Or
press ESC, Q, or X and SHERLOCK will skip the printing.
* * * * * * * *
* C A U T I O N *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Some computers do not respond for 30 to 60 seconds to the program
when a printer is OFF LINE or OFF. In my experience this has
always occurred when the printer is ON but OFF LINE. This
timeout period is controlled by DOS. SHERLOCK will not be able
to display the error window until the DOS timeout period ends.
If you accidentally press L (Line Feed) or E (Eject Page) and
your printer is not ready, or it is not ready when you want to
print, then you may have to wait 30 to 60 seconds for SHERLOCK to
get back in control. If SHERLOCK ever locks up, wait at least a
minute before rebooting. You may not have to.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
SHERLOCK remembers when you select the parameter to use the
printer in the search mode until you change it in the "Find All &
send to printer" prompt. However, if a printer error window pops
up and you select the option to quit printing, SHERLOCK will
change this search parameter to no printing.
When a highlighted line is longer then 78 characters, the color
of the 78th character is black on white to alert you to the fact
that there is more text. Press the right arrow key to see more
of the right end of the line. This will scroll the center line
in both windows horizontally 20 characters for each press. The
left arrow key scrolls the lines back.
The animated title of SHERLOCK is now an option. To activate it
for a single run, include in the command string after the
after the file names. You can permanently modify SHERLOCK so
that the title will always dance. To do so, run SHERLOCK from
the default directory, i.e. SHERLOCK.EXE must be in the directory
that you are running from, and include after the filenames
in the command string. As always, the animated title can be
halted instantly by pressing any key.
SHERLOCK requires 256 K of free memory and DOS 2.1 or later.
Users of the unregistered version can switch to monochrome by
pressing M when the Shareware screen is displayed. However you
can't do that in the registered version or when the unregistered
version runs as if registered. SHERLOCK can be modified to
always run in monochrome mode and switched back to color.
To modify it for monochrome, run SHERLOCK from the default
directory, i.e. SHERLOCK.EXE must be in the directory that you
are running from, and include after the filenames
in the command string. To switch back to color use /COLOR.
Technical Note: Information in the following section is NOT
required for you to use SHERLOCK. It is presented as technical
information for the serious computer user who enjoys optimizing
software for maximum performance. Please skip to the next
section - SHAREWARE - if you wish.
Regardless of how much memory your computer has, the compiler
used for SHERLOCK only allows about 64,000 bytes of memory for
string space. The lines of data from the two files you are
comparing occupy this space. There is no limit to the length of
the document SHERLOCK can process. SHERLOCK keeps 200 lines of
each file in memory at a time. When it gets to line 198, it
releases the first 100 lines and reads the next 100 lines from
your disk.
SHERLOCK has a method for you to measure memory available so that
you can make adjustments to make optimum use of memory. The M
command displays string memory usage. This is a toggle, so it
turns the display on then off. The M command causes numbers to
be displayed in the upper left corner of the screen in the
following relative positions.
The numbers on the first line represent the values of the free
string space before reading files, after reading the first file,
and after reading the second file, respectively.
The second line displays the current free string space and the
total file buffer size in lines.
You may set total lines for the file buffer by entering
after the file names, if any, on the command line. n is a number
like 400. The default is 200, which allocates 200 lines for each
file. If you have enough memory, as indicated by first value on
the second line, and you scroll back and forth often, then a
larger value may increase speed by requiring less pausing for disk
access when manipulating long files.
SHERLOCK is NOT a public domain program. It is copyrighted and
distributed as Shareware. SHERLOCK may be distributed on
bulletin boards, by computer user groups and by others who
distribute it for $10 or less. SHERLOCK.EXE and SHERLOCK.DOC,
must be distributed together and unaltered.
If after evaluating SHERLOCK, you decide to use it or keep it for
when you will need it, then you MUST submit the registration fee.
The registration form is at the end of the documentation and a
copy can be printed from SHERLOCK by pressing Function Key 8.
For corporate or educational institution discounts on multiple
copies or site licenses, contact Gulf Sierra.
When you register SHERLOCK you will receive:
Telephone and mail support.
A copy of the latest version of SHERLOCK
Removal of Registration Screen & reminders.
Skip the Registration Form reminder at the end
of the program.
A loan amortization program with both the
BASIC source code and the compiled
program. No registration is required for
the amortization program.
Copies of PC-ACCOUNT and DISKLIST for you
to try before registering.
You will also receive a free introductory membership certificate
to CompuServe with a $15.00 credit towards online time.
Because I will send you all of this software, please indicate on
the registration form the size of the floppy disks that you can
Once in a while SHERLOCK will act like it is registered for non
registered users. It starts running without the shareware screen
and displays a window with the message 'Will Run as if
REGISTERED' just to show you how it will run when registered.
The registration fee is $25.00 + $4 S&H. Maryland residents add
5% state sales tax ($1.25). All checks and money orders must be
in US funds and drawn on a US bank. Visa or MasterCard may be
The following is the schedule of the multi-copy license fees.
The fee includes one master diskette which you may then copy and
use on the number of machines listed below:
# Users Price
------- -------
5 $ 100.00 ($20 per copy)
10 140.00 ($19 per copy)
25 425.00 ($17 per copy)
50 750.00 ($15 per copy)
100 1,200.00 ($12 per copy)
Site 2,500.00
For corporate, educational institution, and network discounts,
contact Gulf Sierra.
Most copies of software on bulletin boards and even in software
vendor libraries are not the latest version. It takes a long
time for these to get around, and most of the effort is placed on
the widest distribution of the initial release. And with so much
emphases being placed on 'safe software' these days, where is
there a more reliable place to obtain your software than directly
from an ASP author.
Please report discrepancies (bugs) that you find in SHERLOCK.
Include sufficient information for me to replicate the incident.
When I correct a bug, the person who reported it gets the first
revised copy.
Whenever you write, please include your home phone number. I
like to hear about your experiences with SHERLOCK. You can also
send CompuServe Mail to me. My CompuServe ID is 73270,77. I
usually answer questions by phone on the weekend or early in the
evening Eastern time.
If you do not like SHERLOCK, please let me know that you tried it
and, if you wish, why you will not use it again. Tell me what
features would have made SHERLOCK useful to you. Many features
in my software were suggested by people who did not register.
And of course, many more were suggested by those who did
register. You may use the registration form to reply and cross
out the word Registration.
This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the
Shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve
a Shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the
member directly, ASP may be able to help.
The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with
an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545
Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or
send a CompuServe message via CompuServe mail to ASP Ombudsman